Hi, enjoying the site just have a couple quick suggestions:
- It’s hard to tell what some of the referrals are when you’re not logged in, for examples it just shows a picture of the dropbox logo or a very un-unique present for fetch and then the offer. Maybe consider putting the name in text under the logos or making it look more like what you see when you’re logged in.
- Also consider allowing customization of the order of items, at least for what appears on the first page so we can put the most important ones, or the ones we think our network will most benefit from up front.
- And finally, why do I need a 2nd login for the forums?
Thanks for your feedback, it’s always appreciated and we’ll share with our team!
For your comment 1, do you mean it’s hard to tell the name of the company if only the logo is shown? Thanks 
HI TrustyGolem and welcome to the referral codes forum!
On question number 3 I also wish we could use only one login for the forum and referral codes.
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Thanks for the comments! The forum is actually a huge piece of software we pay for and uses it’s own sign-in. So for the moment there are separate logins… we’ll certainly integrated them when we can 
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Hello following your feedback, the name of the store / app is now also shown in addition to the logo when viewing referrals on other member pages. You say, we listen