Earn a free stock and 4% interest with Trade Republic!

Hi there!

Interested in starting your investing journey? Then look no furhter than Trade Republic!

Join Trade Republic to save and invest in stocks, ETFs, bonds, and crypto! Start with just 1 €.
The app is super simple to use, all orders are just 1€, and the best part is: you get up to 4% per year interest on your uninvested cash!


  1. Send me a message to get the link (as Trade Republic does not allow public sharing)
  2. Sign up and do 5 trades of any value - can be as low as 0.01€
  3. ???
  4. Profit! You get your bonus share and you are hopefully on your way to financial freedom!
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Trade Republic is a great referral scheme!

You can choose to share your referral on the dedicated page here:https://referralcodes.com/shop/trade-republic-referral

Remember if you’re worried about your referrals being ‘public’ you can change your setting to ‘private’ and your referrals will only appear to those who know your ReferralCodes username (so direct contacts).