Free 5$ paypal!

So here we go
Step 1. Go to the website

2.Click Join Now $ Start Earning
3. Create an account using gmail. (Unfortunately, there is no other email option.)
4. We are looking for the myChips offerwall and the HBO offer for a year. (for people who have been looking for GPT offers, they know that this offer is gold and pays off)
5.Click on the offer and proceed to purchase a subscription for a year.
(HBecause there are no special restrictions when it comes to confirming emails, etc., so we can provide fictitious data.
It is only important that the name and surname match the data on the card.)
6.Select the annual subscription and proceed to payment.
7. Provide the details of the generated card. (remember that there should be no funds on it, unless we really need HBO for a year XD)

HBO charges 0.00 for verification and that’s it
Mychips completes the offer in about a minute and we can withdraw the funds we receive in points, i.e. 940 coins.
That’s why it’s nice to do it with a ref because it’s $5 for 1000 coins.

As for the withdrawal, go to giftcards, select the cash option and withdraw.

By the way, I would like to add that in order to receive the payment, you need to follow the link sent to the PayPal e-mail address provided for the payment.
This email comes when the payment is already made, so if we don’t confirm it, we won’t receive $$.