Holiday🎁🎄Dump List (Over $200 worth)

:evergreen_tree: TESTMARKET :gift: TestMarket - Best Rebate Website, Product Promotion Services, Keyword Analysis, AMZ PPC Optimization, Free Giveaway for Test Review

:information_source: Special deals on name brand products :moneybag::heavy_dollar_sign:5 referrals; Gift card, PayPal, Bank

:evergreen_tree: CHECKMATE :gift:

(IPhone only) :information_source: Discounts/Name Brand Products; Verify #, Activate Safari Extension :moneybag::heavy_dollar_sign:5 referrals -:heavy_dollar_sign:50/10 referrals; Gift Card

:evergreen_tree: PIKKIT :gift: My code is NFL30810

:information_source: Link sports :basketball: :football: bet account/Tracker :moneybag::heavy_dollar_sign:3 -:heavy_dollar_sign:100 referral; PayPal or Venmo

:evergreen_tree:VIDA :gift: Vida - Paywall phone spam

:information_source: Screens spam and Robo calls :moneybag::heavy_dollar_sign:1 Referrals; PayPal

:evergreen_tree: BENJAMIN :gift: Benjamin - Stack Your Cash Back

:gift: uxRPU9PRRt :information_source: Cash​:moneybag:back; Link card; Play games; Survey :moneybag::heavy_dollar_sign:6 referrals; Gift Card, Instant, ACH

:evergreen_tree:RECEIPT :receipt: HOG :gift: My Referral Code | ReceiptHog

:gift: pip12692 :information_source: Bonus when you upload your first receipt :receipt: :moneybag::heavy_dollar_sign:2.50 referrals; Amazon, Visa, PayPal

:evergreen_tree:TEMU :gift: Redeem Coins

:gift: 70799264 :information_source: Spin the wheel and refer :moneybag::heavy_dollar_sign:60 referrals via PayPal

:evergreen_tree:INSTACART :gift:

:gift: DCLARK11476 :information_source::heavy_dollar_sign:10 OFF :moneybag::heavy_dollar_sign:10 referrals

:evergreen_tree:STRIKE :gift:

:information_source: Deposit :heavy_dollar_sign:0.01, get :heavy_dollar_sign:5.00 :moneybag::heavy_dollar_sign:5 referrals; Transfer to bank :bank: account

:evergreen_tree: SHEIN :gift: money spin

:information_source: Widespread discounted products :moneybag::heavy_dollar_sign:100 referral

:evergreen_tree: WEBULL :gift: Get up to 12 free stocks!

:information_source: Easy​:heavy_dollar_sign:60 Christmas :christmas_tree: money :moneybag:; Deposit just :heavy_dollar_sign:0.01; Sell Stocks; Withdraw two day’s :moneybag::heavy_dollar_sign:60 referrals; NOTE :memo: You can open 2nd account if reward not received in 1st account

:evergreen_tree: TRADEUP :gift: TradeUP Welcome Gift

:information_source: Deposit :heavy_dollar_sign:0.01 get :heavy_dollar_sign:17; Sell, settle 90 days, withdraw :moneybag::heavy_dollar_sign:17 referrals